
Weather in brooklyn new york
Weather in brooklyn new york

Temperature hovers around 4°c and at night it feels like -2°c. For the most part the humidity is around 71%.

weather in brooklyn new york

In the month of January on average Brooklyn (11206) gets 89.24mm of rain and approximately 6 rainy days in the month. Brooklyn (11206) weather in Januaryĭaytime temperature stays around 3°c and at night it goes to -2°c. If you would just like to know what the weather was for a past dates for research or education or you are just curious then visit our historical weather of Brooklyn (11206) section. Travelling to Brooklyn (11206)? Check out our Weather averages of Brooklyn (11206) to better plan your holiday or travel. July and August receive most rainfall with precipitation count of 192.09mm. Which months receive most rainfall in Brooklyn (11206)? January and February are the coldest months with temperature at around -2°c. In these month temperature is at around 25°c and average of 311.2308 hours of sunshine in a month. June and September are the best month to go for holiday or travel to Brooklyn (11206). The windiest of all days will be Sunday 26 th June as wind will reach 20mph or 32kmph at around 6 pm. Make sure to carry an umbrella if you are out and about in 11206, Brooklyn, New York. The national weather service for 11206, Brooklyn, New York is reporting Saturday 2 nd July to be the wettest day in the coming week with around 5.00mm or 0.2 inches of rainfall. In the same week the minimum temperature will be 17℃ or 62℉ on Tuesday 28 th June at around 6 am. Looking at the weather in 11206, Brooklyn, New York over the week, the maximum temperature will be 33℃ (or 91℉) on Friday 1 st July at around 5 pm. What is the weather in 11206, Brooklyn, New York for today, tomorrow and beyond? If able, swim inĪ direction following the shoreline. If caught in a rip current, relaxĪnd float, and do not swim against the current. Instruction: If you enter the surf zone, always have a flotation device with Morning which will continue into the afternoon and evening hours * ADDITIONAL DETAILS.Increasing southerly flow in the late Rip currents can sweep even theīest swimmers away from shore into deeper water. * IMPACTS.Life-threatening rip currents are likely for all * WHEN.From 8 AM EDT this morning through this evening.

weather in brooklyn new york

* WHERE.Southern Nassau, Southern Queens and Kings (Brooklyn) HIGH RIP CURRENT RISK REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 8 AM EDT THIS Health experts consider dining out to be a high-risk activity for the unvaccinated it may pose a risk for the vaccinated, especially in areas with substantial COVID transmission.Effective: T08:00:00-04:00 Expires: T21:00:00-04:00 Certainty: Likely Event: Rip Current Statement Type: Alert Severity: Moderate Urgency: Expected Areas: Kings (Brooklyn) Southern Nassau Southern Queens For the best neighborhood slice shops, see this map. New to this map are Una Pizza Napoletana, Sergio’s, Viva La Pizza, and Bellucci’s Pizzeria. Here’s a collection of 29 restaurants spanning all five boroughs, which every pizza-loving New Yorker should visit at least once. That said, only a certain number of those pizzerias have ascended to icon status. While there’s a never-ending debate on where to find the city’s best slices, there’s one issue with no dispute (despite the latest claim about a particular city out West): New York City and its vicinity have remained the world capital of pizzadom. And from that original burst of energy - which also propelled the openings of Patsy’s, Totonno’s, and John’s of Bleecker Street, all by baker-disciples of Gennaro Lombardi - the city’s pizzaioli continued to innovate, creating new varieties uniquely suited to the tastes and demands of customers. Pizza as the world knows it was invented, based on Italian models, in New York City around 1905 at Lombardi’s in Little Italy, though we had precursors that were closer to focaccia late in the previous century.

Weather in brooklyn new york